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Young Jim Carrey Backlash | hungryzoo.com
Posted September 2, 2011 by
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Space Danger Stick

(Formerly titled: Jim Carrey And The Sorcerer’s Stone.)

Last week psycho-comedic mastermind Jim Carrey dropped his now infamous Emma Stone love letter video on the world. No matter the effect that was intended, there was no warning for the backlash it would inevitably have, personally and externally.

If you were out hiking, living a life, or actually doing your job at work and you missed it, here you go:

It kind of reminds me of another master of the viral video:

If anything this video shows that Jim Carrey’s grasp of comedy transgresses formats. Some friends who worked at slashfilm.com once told me: “Things go viral when you don’t know if they’re real or not.”

Well, that’s the key to Jim’s video. Is he really confessing his love? Is this the part of something bigger? Has he just really lost his mind? Which then begs the question… POPPER’S PENGUINS?!?! NUMBER 23?!? COME ON!

Jim had done it. It hit pop culture like a freight train. He could go to bed  knowing he had accomplished what he set out to do, millions of people had seen it, and damn it was funny.

But then came the parodies.

Soon after Jim posted his vid, hungryZoo superstar and fellow conspiratorSpencer, sends me a link to the video and says, “Make a parody of this!” By this time online there were only a handful of parodies but they were only strange hetero-man-love brohams confessing their undying love for Ace Ventura.

Oh and this guy:

I know, right? (Shivers)

So, I don’t look exactly like Jim Carrey, but enough to throw my hat into the comedy ring and bonus if Emma Stone does in fact has a serious Jim Carrey thing:

(That’s me!)

Turns out instead of getting a few chuckles at Jim Carrey’s expense,  I opened myself up to be aesthetically critiqued by the dregs of the inter-underworld. I think the YouTube commenter is quite possibly the basic and most vile form of life on the planet, just above those people who picket at gay soldiers funerals and below people who put shoes on their cats.

Here are some examples of the finest prose from our friends the YouTube commenters:Hm. Strangely protective of Jim Carrey.

I love kgdead coming to my defense. Amazing.


That is very specific.


…and now nothing makes sense.

As I sat in awe scrolling through all the comments and licking my proverbial wounds, back out in the internets a different kind of backlash occurred.  Suddenly it seemed like the flood gates were opened and all kinds of old creepers who found it now acceptable to confess their love to various extremely young starlets.

Selena Gomez, Look out! He’s right behind you!

I believe it was Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park who said, “Pedophiles find a way.”

So let’s take a look at the score card: (Yes we were keeping score. What do you think this is? Mormon game night?)

Official Winner: Emma Stone. She totally stayed out of it and ticket sales for The Help went up from the added creeper demographic in the theater.

Official Loser: Kathy Griffin. She is still not funny, nor will she ever be.

Fun Fact: After Dumb and Dumber, Jim wrote an autobiography and it was mostly about masturbating. My mom took it away from me when I was a kid.

What did I learn from all this? After all of the parody videos settle and the comment threads run dry, Jim Carrey is funny, I don’t have a self-esteem problem, and as fellow conspirator monkeywithamonocle says, “Arguing on YouTube is like being in the Special Olympics, even if you win you’re still retarded.”

So nothing. I learned nothing.


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