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Audiences Experience “Bucky Larson Blues” | hungryzoo.com
Posted September 15, 2011 by
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Sept 16, 2011|By Mike Matola [hungryZOO.com]

Moviegoers this week are succumbing to a disturbing trend after the release of Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star. Many people who have paid to see the film are experiencing what doctors have termed “Bucky Larson Blues” as they try to cope with the depression of  such a vivid world being intangible. Much like the Avatar Blues of 2009  fans are experiencing depression as they long for a world where Bucky Larson could be considered funny.

“I wish I lived in a world where Bucky Larson could be even remotely considered a comedy.”  Says 37 year old housewife Sheryl Cole, “If everyone was able to find Bucky Larson funny, we’d then also be able to laugh at horrible events like third trimester abortions and 9/11.”

Online chat-rooms dedicated to helping those cope with the travesty have sprung up all over the Internet since the Nick Swardson film was released September 9th. Thousands of users flooded the fan sites with pleas for help. A user named Dave posted that he contemplated suicide after seeing the movie.
“Ever since I went to see Bucky Larson I’ve been depressed.” Dave writes, “As I watched a world where small-penis jokes and nontraditional haircuts were funny, I started to think about what a wonderful place that would be if it where real. I can’t stop thinking about all the things that happened in the film and all of the tears and shivers I got from it.”

Similar to Avatar other fans have expressed feelings of disgust with the human race and disengagement with reality.

It comes as no surprise that Happy Madison, Adam Sandler’s veterin production company, produced Bucky Larson, as its films are known for their fantastic and often far fetched premises such as 2006’s Grandma’s Boy where a video game geek is likable and is able to get a girlfriend and 2004’s 50 First Dates where Drew Barrymore is portrayed as a viable option for a romantic lead.

Even though the film grossed only 1.4 million dollars domestically its opening week, box office analysts suggest moviegoers bought tickets to see Contagion to avoid embarrassment and snuck in to Bucky Larson afterward. It is easily on track to becoming the worst movie of all time, already being compared to other films such as The Room, Birdemic: Shock And Terror, The Sound Of Thunder and Bobby Forrester’s 7th grade audio visual project: Mittens Falls Off The TV.


For more thought provoking and totally not made up stuff read monkeywithamonocle’s other posts The Westboro Baptist Church Is A Good Thing (Maybe)  and Batman: World’s Greatest Detective.

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